Mediterranean fruit fly, ceratitis capitata, host list. The genus ekebergia is in the family meliaceae in the major group angiosperms flowering plants. The specific name capensis means from the cape but is used in reference to southern africa, since this tree occurs naturally from this region. Predominantly spread in west tropical africa, the shrub salacia senegalensis lam. Effect of annona senegalensis rootbark extracts on naja nigricotlis nigricotlis venom in rats b. Prompted by the ethnomedicinal use, a hydroethanolic extract obtained from the leaves of the plant was screened against a panel of microbial strains, the majority of which involved in. Pdf the study on the analgesic activities of aqueous extract of ekebergia senegalensis a. Ekebergia meyeri, ekebergia complanata, ekebergia holtzii, ekebergia mildbraedii, ekebergia petitiana, ekebergia rueppelliana, ekebergia senegalensis a.
How annona senegalensis is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Gamaniela a department of pharmacology and toxicology, national institute for pharmaceutical research and development niprd, pmb 21 abuja, nigeria. Threatened species programme sanbi red list of south. The small edible fruit is a drupe red when ripe description ekebergia capensis. Text is available under the creative commons attributionsharealike license. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. List of various diseases cured by annona senegalensis. Names of annona senegalensis in various languages of the world are also given. Vero, mi mancano le specie da fotografare, per quanto riguarda le foto non possono essere tanto migliori perche fatte con mezzi amatoriali. We assessed effects of the plant growth regulators, benzyladenine, kinetin, naphthalene acetic acid and gibberellic acid, on shoot proliferation and subsequent plantlet. Access is allocated within two business days of purchase and lasts one year.
The fruit is a capsule or a drupe and may be winged or have a pulpy covering. A journal of entomology hindawi publishing corporation. Hauwau yakubu bako, maryam ibrahim, jaafaru sani mohammad, maimuna zubairu, timothy bulus. Genetic diversity of annona senegalensis pers populations.
The superior ovary has a simple style, which ends in a disclike, headlike or lobed stigma. Ekebergia capensis and ekebergia senegalensis are considered conspecific. Phytochemical analysis gave positive results for carbohydrates, glycosides, saponins, tannins and alkaloids. Temperaturregulation uns stoffwechselverbrauch beim. Laboratory evaluations of the fractions efficacy of annona. Dinoderus porcellus is considered as the most important pest of stored yam chips and compounds extracted from plants can be used for its control.
Click on each image to see a larger version and details of the record view all images. An ethnobotanical and phytochemical study of the african. After fractionation, nhexane and chloroform fractions of a. African mahogany is a mediumsized tree which can grow up to 1530 m in height and 1 m in. Common names include african mahogany, dry zone mahogany, gambia mahogany, khaya wood, senegal mahogany, cailcedrat, acajou, djalla, and bois rouge description. The 4,017,609 bp long genome 1 chromosome, but no plasmid contains 3,1 proteincoding and 50 rna genes, including 5 rrna genes. It is commonly known as african custard apple wild custard apple and wild sour sop.
Annona senegalensis is an evergreen shrub that is used for ethnomedicinal purposes and as a source of food. Annona senegalensis, commonly known as african custardapple, wild custard apple, wild soursop, sunkungo mandinka language, and dorgot wolof language is a species of flowering plant in the custard apple family, annonaceae. This is also called as mahogany family, is a family of flowering plants consisting of trees, shrubs. Salah satu usaha untuk mengembangkan obat tradisional yaitu dengan dibuat tablet kunyah. Though we endeavour to ensure correctness, plant info, its owners and employees, cannot accept responsibility for any errors in information or any losses.
The specific epithet, senegalensis, translates to mean of senegal, the country where the type specimen was collected. Since ekebergia capensis is a large tree, youd need to use a very large pot. Once it starts getting too big for the pot, id recommend planting in the ground in an area. Both plants sebastiania chamaelea from niger and chrozophora senegalensis from senegal used in african traditional. Podica senegalensis wikispecies wikispecies, free species. The extracts tested were obtained by soaking the powder with three solvents methanol, hexane and ethyl acetate.
Since it is in a confined space, it will require regular watering and feeding. Mediterranean fruit fly, ceratitis capitata, host list the berries, fruit, nuts and vegetables of the listed plant species are now considered host articles for c. Its range extends from the eastern cape of south africa to sudan and ethiopia gallery. It does well in gardens throughout south africa, adjusting well to local climate, temperature and rainfall. Phytochemical analysis and antimicrobial screening of. Common names distributional range references other web references images. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. Both plants sebastiania chamaelea from niger and chrozophora. Jun 19, 2008 about gringlobal choose language cesky eng english espanol francais portugues system. This page was last edited on 24 december 2019, at 16. Pemeriksaan yang dilakukan adalah pemeriksaan terhadap semua hal yang mempengaruhi setiap tahap proses pengolahan dan pengemasan meliputi.
This page was last edited on 18 january 2015, at 21. Ekeberg, whose sponsorship, in the 18 th century, made it possible for anders sparrman the author of the tree species to visit africa. Click on each image to see a larger version and details of the record view all images 25 photo. Plants profile for boscia senegalensis senegal boscia. Ovicidal test was performed by submitting at least 100 eggs of mosquitoes to 125, 250, 500, and 2000 ppm concentrations, while larvicidal and pupicidal effects were assessed by submitting 25 larvae or pupae to the concentrations of 2500, 1250, 625 and 312. Ekebergia pterophylla naturally occurs in montane and coastal forests, usually amongst rocks on outcrops or in ravines and on forest margins, from the western cape through to mpumalanga and limpopo, but mainly in kwazulunatal and pondoland as well as in swaziland. Trees and shrubs of northwest senegal, africa arbres et.
Mahomed and serge lourine natural products research group, department of chemistry, university of natal, durban, 4041 republic of south africa received 22 april 1997. Toxicity studies of aqueous, methanolic and hexane leaf extracts of guiera senegalensis in rats author. To learn about our use of cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, please see our cookie policy. Please note that this is a trial program and may end. Genetic diversity of annona senegalensis pers populations as. The xanthine oxidase and lipoxygenase inhibition properties of extracts and fractions were also evaluated to assess the antiinflammatory activity from galls of guiera senegalensis. Ekebergia senegalensis, maliaceae family, phytochemical analysis, crude extracts, antibacterial screening. The present study represents an attempt to document information on the traditional medicinal plants that used in nigeria. Unless proven otherwise, all cultivars, varieties, and hybrids of the plant species listed herein are considered suitable hosts of c.
Here we describe the features of this organism, together with the complete genome sequence and annotation. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the creative commons cc0 license. Guiera senegalensis is a semievergreen to evergreen shrub, usually growing 1 3 metres tall, with occasional specimens up to 5 metres. In the interest of the environment, this website was built with 100% recycled pixels. Ekebergia wikispecies wikispecies, free species directory. The small, regular, white dioecious flowers are in panicles. Ekebergia capensis wikispecies, free species directory. We assessed effects of the plant growth regulators, benzyladenine, kinetin, naphthalene acetic acid and gibberellic acid, on shoot. Effect of annona senegalensis rootbark extracts on naja. Galls extracts of g senegalensis are rich in totals polyphenol and in totals flavonoid content. For more multimedia, look at ekebergia capensis on wikimedia commons. Khaya senegalensis dryzone mahogany pfaf plant database. Introduction annona senegalensis is a species of flowering plant in the family annonaceae.
Botanical characterization of guiera senegalensis leaves. Before requesting germplasm, scientists should consider their capacity to receive it. Effect of annona senegalensis rootbark extracts on naja nigricotlis nigricotlis venom in rats article in journal of ethnopharmacology 963. Uses, benefits, cures, side effects, nutrients in annona senegalensis. A mediumsized tree of the dry forest regions in guinea and ivory coast. The present study aimed to test the insecticidal and repellent activities of powders and extracts of leaves of bridelia ferruginea, blighia sapida, and khaya senegalensis against d. Native to the sahel region in africa, this evergreen shrub can grow anywhere from 2 to 4 m 6 ft 7 in to ft 1 in in height under favourable conditions. Genome sequence and description of alistipes senegalensis. A comparison of extractives from the bark of ekebergia. Bioevaluation of south african plants for insecticidal. Total phenols in all the samples expressed as gae gallic acid equivalent varied from 1.
Download pdf download all download jpeg 2000 download text the journal of the bombay natural history society. Biological activity of biochemical fractions of annona senegalensis leaves was evaluated in the laboratory on different stages of caryedon serratus development. If your computer is not already set up to read these files, you can download the free adobe acrobat reader. See status, confidence level, source for definitions. Disposisi ini dibuat rangkap 2 dimana tembusannya diserahkan kunyzh. Of annona senegalensis extract on alkaline phosphatase, amino transferases and body weight in mice sulaiman s.
Larvicidal activity of annona senegalensis and ijmrk2. It is a tree that grows up to a height of 30 feet and commonly found in the savannah forests. It is also used in veterinary medicine among the tukolor people in diets designed to increase body weight, reproductive capacity. A chemical investigation of the bark and wood of two south african specimens of e. Department of agriculture agricultural research service. The plant produces the tannin 3,4,5triogalloylquinic acid and several alkaloids of the harman family. Ekebergia capensis plantinfo everything and anything.
The trunk is up to 1 m in diameter and can be unbranched for up to 16 m. National plant germplasm system covid19 update, march 23, 2020. Boscia senegalensis is a perennial woody plant species of the genus boscia in the caper family, capparaceae. Trees of the genus swietenia and entandrophragma, commonly called mahogany, and of the genus cedrela especially the cigar.
Desertification and a shift of forest species in the west african sahel. Khaya senegalensis is a species of tree in the meliaceae family that is native to africa. Dec 24, 2010 a protocol was developed for shoot proliferation and plantlet formation of khaya senegalensis, an important medicinal and timber plantation species introduced to australia and southern asia from western and central africa. A protocol was developed for shoot proliferation and plantlet formation of khaya senegalensis, an important medicinal and timber plantation species introduced to australia and southern asia from western and central africa. Guiera senegalensis is the only species in the genus, found in tropical africa in dry areas from senegal to sudan requiring lots of sunlight and light dry soil. Some documents posted on the hear website are in adobe acrobat pdf format. A comparison of extractives from the bark of ekebergia capensis and ekebergia senegalensis dulcie a. Naja senegalensis wikispecies wikispecies, free species. Combretaceae is one of the most important west african medicinal plants, often used to treat a variety of microbial infections. Antioxidant and antiinflammatory activities from galls of. The 5 to many stamens are free except at the base and the anthers are attached in the middle. Bhl relies on donations to provide free pdf downloads and other services.
The whole plant is covered with small black glands328. Rukayyah and maduka gloria onyinyechi department of biochemistry, ibrahim badamasi babangida university, lapai, nigeria. Probing for the presence of glucosinolates in three drypetes spp. The leaves, stem bark and root bark of ekebergia senegalensis, which has some traditional medicinal applications were investigated. Annona senegalensis herb uses, benefits, cures, side effects. In vitro propagation of the african mahogany khaya. Toxicity studies of aqueous, methanolic and hexane leaf. A compiled check list of these plants including their latin names. Tragia senegalensis is a perennial, erect or climbing plant producing annual stems up to 2 metres long from a woody rootstock. The most frequently used plant part is the leaf, its medicinal use being corroborated by several in vitro antimicrobial activity studies. In vitro propagation of the african mahogany khaya senegalensis. Images of khaya senegalensis provided by the pacific island ecosystems at risk project pier. Ekebergia capensis in the germplasm resources information network grin, u.
Introduction malaria remains a serious public health problem in south africa affecting 4 million people in the low altitude areas of the northeastern parts of the country. Ekebergia capensis is a tree in the family meliaceae. Download limit exceeded you have exceeded your daily download allowance. Sorry, we are unable to provide the full text but you may find it at the following locations. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Title african flowering plants database publication author website.
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